Jazyk Python - tvorba testů s využitím knihovny Behave


Jazyk Python - tvorba testů s využitím knihovny Behave

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“Pyramida” s různými typy testů

BDD: behavior-driven development

Jazyk Gherkin

Ukázka jednoduchého testovacího scénáře

Given the customer has logged into their current account
  And the balance is shown to be 100 euros
 When the customer transfers 75 euros to their savings account
 Then the new current account balance should be 25 euros

Části testovacího scénáře:

Víceřádkový text

Feature: Count words function test

  Scenario: Check the function count_words()
    Given a sample text
       Velmi kratka veta.
    When I count all words in text
    Then I should get 3 as a result

  Scenario: Check the function count_words()
    Given a sample text
       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
       eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
    When I count all words in text
    Then I should get 19 as a result


Feature: Sum function test 1

  Scenario: Check the function sum()
    Given a list of integers
      |value |
      | 1    |
      | 10   |
      | 100  |
      | 1000 |
    When I summarize all those integers
    Then I should get 1111 as a result

Tabulky (druhý příklad)

  Scenario: Check the exchange rate calculation
    Given the following exchange rate table
      | currency |  rate  |
      | CZK      |  1.000 |
      | CAD      | 16.172 |
      | HRK      |  3.407 |
      | USD      | 20.655 |
    When I sell 10 CAD
    Then I should receive 161.72 CZK

Tabulky použité pro specifikaci několika běhů testů

  Scenario Outline: Check the user search feature, perform the search for more users
    Given GitHub is accessible
    When I search for user with nick <nick>
    Then I should receive 200 status code
     And I should receive proper JSON response
     And I should find the user with full name <fullname>
     And I should find that the user works for company <company>

     Examples: users
     |torvalds|Linus Torvalds|Linux Foundation|
     |brammool|Bram Moolenaar|Zimbu Labs|
     |tisnik|Pavel Tišnovský|Red Hat, Inc.|

Tabulky použité pro specifikaci několika běhů testů

  Scenario Outline: Check the exchange rate calculation
    Given the following exchange rate table
      | currency |  rate  |
      | CZK      |  1.000 |
      | CAD      | 16.172 |
      | HRK      |  3.407 |
      | USD      | 20.655 |
    When I sell <sold> <currency>
    Then I should receive <amount> CZK

    Examples: sold
        | sold | currency | amount |
        | 1    |   CZK    |    1.000 |
        | 10   |   CZK    |   10.000 |
        | 1    |   CAD    |   16.172 |
        | 100  |   CAD    | 1617.200 |
        | 2    |   HRK    |    6.814 |

Praktická část

Repositář s demonstračními příklady

git clone https://github.com/tisnik/python-behave-demos

Knihovna Behave

Struktura projektu s BDD testy

├── feature_list.txt
├── features
│   ├── adder.feature
│   └── steps
│       └── common.py
├── requirements.in
├── requirements.txt
├── run_tests.sh
└── src
    └── adder.py

Význam souborů v projektu:

src/adder.py                     vlastní modul, který budeme chtít otestovat
requirements.in/requirements.txt soubory pro pip (instalátor balíčků)
feature_list.txt                 seznam testovacích scénářů, které se mají spustit
features/                        adresář obsahující testovací scénáře i implementaci jednotlivých kroků testů
run_tests.sh	                 pomocný skript pro spuštění testovacích scénářů

Testovaný modul

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

Popis testovacího scénáře

Feature: Adder test
  Scenario: Check the function add()
    Given The function add is callable
    When I call function add with arguments 1 and 2
    Then I should get 3 as a result

Implementace jednotlivých kroků testu

from behave import given, then, when
from src.adder import add
@given('The function {function_name} is callable')
def initial_state(context, function_name):
@when('I call function {function} with arguments {x:d} and {y:d}')
def call_add(context, function, x, y):
    context.result = add(x, y)
@then('I should get {expected:d} as a result')
def check_integer_result(context, expected):
    assert context.result == expected, \
        "Wrong result: {r} != {e}".format(r=context.result, e=expected)

Prostředí testů

from behave.log_capture import capture
import ctypes

def _load_library(context, library_name):
    if context.tested_library is None:
        context.tested_library = ctypes.CDLL(library_name)

def before_all(context):
    """Perform setup before the first event."""
    context.tested_library = None
    context.load_library = _load_library

Skript pro spuštění testů

#!/bin/bash -ex
export NOVENV=1
function prepare_venv() {
    virtualenv -p python3 venv && source venv/bin/activate && python3 `which pip3` install -r requirements.txt
[ "$NOVENV" == "1" ] || prepare_venv || exit 1
PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 python3 `which behave` --tags=-skip -D dump_errors=true @feature_list.txt $@

Vlastní spuštění textu

Feature: Adder test # features/adder.feature:1

  Scenario: Check the function add()                # features/adder.feature:3
    Given The function add is callable              # features/steps/common.py:20 0.000s
    When I call function add with arguments 1 and 2 # features/steps/common.py:25 0.000s
    Then I should get 3 as a result                 # features/steps/common.py:30 0.000s

1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
3 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.000s

Testování nativních funkcí/knihoven

Testovací scénář

  Scenario: Check the function int add(int, int)
    Given The library libadder.so is loaded
    When I call native function add with arguments 1 and 2
    Then I should get 3 as a result

  Scenario Outline: Thorough checking function int add(int, int)
    Given The library libadder.so is loaded
    When I call native function add with arguments <x> and <y>
    Then I should get <result> as a result

     Examples: results
     # basic arithmetic
     |          0| 0|          0|
     |          1| 2|          3|
     |          1|-2|         -1|
     # no overflows at 16 bit limits
     |      32767| 1|      32768|
     |      65535| 1|      65536|
     # integer overflow
     | 2147483648| 1|-2147483647|
     |-2147483648|-1| 2147483647|

Prostředí testů

from behave.log_capture import capture
import ctypes

def _load_library(context, library_name):
    if context.tested_library is None:
        context.tested_library = ctypes.CDLL(library_name)

def before_all(context):
    """Perform setup before the first event."""
    context.tested_library = None
    context.load_library = _load_library

Implementace kroků testu

from behave import given, then, when

@given('The library {library_name} is loaded')
def initial_state(context, library_name):
    context.load_library(context, library_name)

@when('I call native function add with arguments {x:d} and {y:d}')
def call_add(context, x, y):
    context.result = context.tested_library.add(x, y)

@then('I should get {result:d} as a result')
def check_integer_result(context, result):
    assert context.result == result, "Expected result: {e}, returned value: {r}".format(e=result, r=context.result)

Testování REST API

Testovací scénář

  Scenario: Check the GitHub API entry point
    Given GitHub is accessible
    When I access the API endpoint /
    Then I should receive 200 status code

  Scenario: Check the user search feature
    Given GitHub is accessible
    When I search for user with nick torvalds
    Then I should receive 200 status code
     And I should receive proper JSON response
     And I should find the user with full name Linus Torvalds
     And I should find that the user works for company Linux Foundation

Prostředí testů

import json
import os.path

from behave.log_capture import capture
import requests

def _is_accessible(context, accepted_codes=None):
    accepted_codes = accepted_codes or {200, 401}
    url = context.api_url
        res = requests.get(url)
        return res.status_code in accepted_codes
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
        print("Connection error: {e}".format(e=e))
    return False

def before_all(context):
    """Perform setup before the first event."""
    context.is_accessible = _is_accessible
    context.api_url = "https://api.github.com"

def before_scenario(context, scenario):
    """Perform setup before each scenario is run."""

def after_scenario(context, scenario):
    """Perform cleanup after each scenario is run."""

def after_all(context):
    """Perform cleanup after the last event."""

Implementace kroků testu

import json

from behave import given, then, when
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import requests

@given('GitHub is accessible')
def initial_state(context):
    assert context.is_accessible(context)

@given('System is running')
def running_system(context):
    """Ensure that the system is accessible."""
    assert is_accessible(context)

@when('I access the API endpoint {url}')
def access_endpoint(context, url):
    context.response = requests.get(context.api_url + url)

@when('I search for user with nick {nick}')
def search_for_user(context, nick):
    url = urljoin(urljoin(context.api_url, "users/"), nick)
    context.response = requests.get(url)

@then('I should receive {status:d} status code')
def check_status_code(context, status):
    """Check the HTTP status code returned by the REST API."""
    assert context.response.status_code == status

@then('I should receive proper JSON response')
def check_json_response(context):
    content_type = context.response.headers.get('content-type')
    assert content_type.startswith('application/json')
    context.data = context.response.json()

@then('I should find the user with full name {fullname}')
def check_user_full_name(context, fullname):
    assert context.data is not None
    assert 'name' in context.data
    value = context.data.get('name')
    assert value == fullname, "{e} != {v}".format(e=fullname, v=value)

@then('I should find that the user works for company {company}')
def check_company(context, company):
    assert context.data is not None
    assert 'company' in context.data
    value = context.data.get('company')
    assert value == company, "{e} != {v}".format(e=company, v=value)

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