Simple but useful performance improvement in Go


Simple but useful performance improvement in Go

Pass structures by reference, not by value

Problem definition

Real example

debug = true
log_level = "info"

enabled = true
address = "kafka:29092" #provide in deployment env or as secret
security_protocol = "PLAINTEXT"
cert_path = "not-set"
sasl_mechanism = "PLAIN"
sasl_username = "not-used"
sasl_password = "not-used"
topic = "platform.notifications.ingress" #provide in deployment env or as secret
timeout = "60s"
likelihood_threshold = 0
impact_threshold = 0
severity_threshold = 0
total_risk_threshold = 3
event_filter = "totalRisk >= totalRiskThreshold"

client_id = "a-service-id"
client_secret = "a-secret"
token_url = ""
enabled = false
url = ""
timeout = "15s"
likelihood_threshold = 0
impact_threshold = 0
severity_threshold = 0
total_risk_threshold = 0
event_filter = "totalRisk >= totalRiskThreshold"
rule_details_uri = "{module}|{error_key}"

db_driver = "postgres"
pg_username = "postgres" #provide in deployment env or as secret
pg_password = "postgres" #provide in deployment env or as secret
pg_host = "localhost" #provide in deployment env or as secret
pg_port = 5432 #provide in deployment env or as secret
pg_db_name = "notification" #provide in deployment env or as secret
pg_params = "sslmode=disable"
log_sql_queries = true

content_server = "localhost:8082" #provide in deployment env or as secret
content_endpoint = "/api/v1/content" #provide in deployment env or as secret
template_renderer_server = "localhost:8083" #provide in deployment env or as secret
template_renderer_endpoint = "/v1/rendered_reports" #provide in deployment env or as secret

insights_advisor_url = "{cluster_id}"
cluster_details_uri = "{cluster_id}#insights"
rule_details_uri = "{cluster_id}/insights/{module}/{error_key}"
# valid units are SQL epoch time units: months days hours minutes seconds"
cooldown = "24 hours"

job_name = "ccx_notification_service"
# The metrics in Prometheus will be $namespace_$subsystem_$name
namespace = "ccx_notification_service"
subsystem = "to_notification_backend"
gateway_url = "localhost:9091"
gateway_auth_token = ""
retries = 3
# Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
retry_after = "60s"

# valid units are SQL epoch time units: months days hours minutes seconds"
max_age = "90 days"

filter_allowed_clusters = false
allowed_clusters = []
filter_blocked_clusters = false
blocked_clusters = []

Representation of such structure in Go

type ConfigStruct struct {
	Logging       LoggingConfiguration       `mapstructure:"logging" toml:"logging"`
	Storage       StorageConfiguration       `mapstructure:"storage" toml:"storage"`
	Kafka         KafkaConfiguration         `mapstructure:"kafka_broker" toml:"kafka_broker"`
	ServiceLog    ServiceLogConfiguration    `mapstructure:"service_log" toml:"service_log"`
	Dependencies  DependenciesConfiguration  `mapstructure:"dependencies" toml:"dependencies"`
	Notifications NotificationsConfiguration `mapstructure:"notifications" toml:"notifications"`
	Metrics       MetricsConfiguration       `mapstructure:"metrics" toml:"metrics"`
	Cleaner       CleanerConfiguration       `mapstructure:"cleaner" toml:"cleaner"`
	Processing    ProcessingConfiguration    `mapstructure:"processing" toml:"processing"`

type LoggingConfiguration struct {
	// Debug enables pretty colored logging
	Debug bool `mapstructure:"debug" toml:"debug"`
	LogLevel string `mapstructure:"log_level" toml:"log_level"`

type StorageConfiguration struct {
	Driver        string `mapstructure:"db_driver"       toml:"db_driver"`
	PGUsername    string `mapstructure:"pg_username"     toml:"pg_username"`
	PGPassword    string `mapstructure:"pg_password"     toml:"pg_password"`
	PGHost        string `mapstructure:"pg_host"         toml:"pg_host"`
	PGPort        int    `mapstructure:"pg_port"         toml:"pg_port"`
	PGDBName      string `mapstructure:"pg_db_name"      toml:"pg_db_name"`
	PGParams      string `mapstructure:"pg_params"       toml:"pg_params"`
	LogSQLQueries bool   `mapstructure:"log_sql_queries" toml:"log_sql_queries"`

‘getter’ used in the code

func GetStorageConfigurationByValue(configuration ConfigStruct) StorageConfiguration {
	return configuration.Storage

Dirty solution

func GetStorageConfigurationByReference(configuration *ConfigStruct) StorageConfiguration {
	return configuration.Storage

Is it worth to do it?

package conf_test

// Benchmark for config module

import (


const (
	defaultConfigFileName     = "./config"

// loadConfiguration function loads configuration prepared to be used by
// benchmarks
func loadConfiguration() (conf.ConfigStruct, error) {

	err := os.Setenv(configFileEnvVariableName, defaultConfigFileName)
	if err != nil {
		return conf.ConfigStruct{}, err

	config, err := conf.LoadConfiguration(configFileEnvVariableName, defaultConfigFileName)
	if err != nil {
		return conf.ConfigStruct{}, err

	return config, nil

func mustLoadBenchmarkConfiguration(b *testing.B) conf.ConfigStruct {
	configuration, err := loadConfiguration()
	if err != nil {
	return configuration

func BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationFunctionByValue(b *testing.B) {
	configuration := mustLoadBenchmarkConfiguration(b)

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		// call benchmarked function


func BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationFunctionByReference(b *testing.B) {
	configuration := mustLoadBenchmarkConfiguration(b)

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		// call benchmarked function


$ go test -bench=. -benchtime=1000000000x -cpuprofile profile.out -v config-struct/conf

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: config-struct/conf
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8665U CPU @ 1.90GHz
BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationFunctionByValue-8               1000000000              13.20 ns/op
BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationFunctionByReference-8           1000000000               0.2405 ns/op
ok      config-struct/conf      27.166s

Benchmark1 Benchmark1

Is it still relevant


What about methods?

func (configuration ConfigStruct) GetStorageConfigurationByValue() StorageConfiguration {
	return configuration.Storage

func (configuration *ConfigStruct) GetStorageConfigurationByReference() StorageConfiguration {
	return configuration.Storage

Benchmark for methods

func BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationMethodByValue(b *testing.B) {
	configuration := mustLoadBenchmarkConfiguration(b)

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		// call benchmarked function


func BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationMethodByReference(b *testing.B) {
	configuration := mustLoadBenchmarkConfiguration(b)

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		// call benchmarked function

$ go test -bench=. -benchtime=1000000000x -cpuprofile profile.out -v config-struct/conf

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: config-struct/conf
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8665U CPU @ 1.90GHz
BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationFunctionByValue-8               1000000000              13.20 ns/op
BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationFunctionByReference-8           1000000000               0.2405 ns/op
BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationMethodByValue-8                 1000000000              13.24 ns/op
BenchmarkGetStorageConfigurationMethodByReference-8             1000000000               0.3596 ns/op
ok      config-struct/conf      27.166s